Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Test Flight on Jo Mckenna's new Freedom 190 Hang Glider

She showed up by truck from North Wing unscathed. Set up easy. I moved the kingpost to the forward position and she glided hands off.
Easy launcher. Freedoms are the easiest glider I have ever launched period!
Flys clean at trailing edge and tips at top speed 47 mph.
Very slow flyer with my weight at low end 20 mph. . I could not stall her only in a whip stall. and she broke clean.
She turns very flat. Light bar pressure in pitch. Felt pitch stable and a bit roll unstable which is normal for type.
Soared for close to an hour off Coopers up to 5k in blue thermals and light lift with red tail Hawks and Ravens : ) Weak day compared to yesterday.
Perfect for testing though.
Turns Easy Peasy
Nice slow approach
Perfect landing at target : )

She is a winner
You will love her Jo!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Flying into the future for FUN

These new lite trike flying machines are a whole lot of fun!

Basically motorized hang gliders.

Easy to fly, light, portable, slow flying, soar power off well, affordable and as safe as the nut behind the wheel : )

Learn to fly one today

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Lumby Air Force will meet this weekend to clean up Coopers Launch.


What stops us from following our dreams of wanting to learn to fly or anything else?

This little poem has a few clues : )


If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you like to win, but think you can't,
It's almost a cinch you won't.

If you think you'll lose you've lost,
For out in the world you'll find,
Success begins with the person's will:
It's all in the state of the mind.

Think big, and your deeds will grow,
Think small and you fall behind,
Think that you can, and you will;
It's all in the state of the mind.

If you think you're outclassed, you are;
You've got to think to rise;
You've got to be sure of yourself before,
You can ever win a prize.

Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster person.
But sooner or later, the one who wins
Is the person who thinks they can.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bucket List

Andrew shows up today for his Trike/Motorized Hang Glider flight lesson and he is excited.
64 years young and its time to start knocking off bigger items out of his bucket list, he says.

He had a ride in an ultralight 10 years ago and thinks about it all the time. In fact he bought enough pieces over the past few years to build a trike and he bought a wing.

Before he flew it he thought he should have a lesson because he really knew nothing about flying. I told him that was a VERY good idea and he better let me look it over before he tries flying it.

He found the number for Raven Aviation, called and now he was here and ready to fly. We pulled the trike out of winter storage, ran it up, set up the wing, gave it all a good pre-flight inspection talked about our first introductory lesson and buckled him in.

We taxied down the freshly rolled grass taxiway to runway 36 and back tracked to 18 at the Freedom Flight Park.

We sat in the sun and went through the pre take off check list and then opened the throttle to full power.

300 feet down the runway we broke free of the grass and we were climbing like home sick angels in the cool 6 degree spring air. We flew over the town of Lumby and then over the hang glider launch on Saddle Mountain.

The thermals were lifting us higher. Within 2 minutes we were 2000 feet above the Flight Park and going through lessons one and two, shallow turns and straight flight.

After 30 minutes of practicing Andrew was getting it all real good and it was time to get back to terra firma and warm up. I demonstrated a couple of tight 360 turns so he could see how maneuverable the wing was. He was thrilled.

He could hardly wait to experience the landing though. We touched down on the bulls eye at 25 mph.

When we rolled up to the hanger he was very happy and looking forward to getting back for his next lesson.

I swear he looked 10 years younger after that flight. His smile was wide and he had a boyish kind of perma grin going on. An extra skip in his step. I am sure he will be thinking of that flight over and over until he makes it back. And so he should. Its another way to practice.

Flying is like a reminder for some people about what its like to really be free.
Especially when you wait 10 years between flights. Not sure I could have waited that long : )

Its all a great reminder for me too.

I feel blessed that I have chosen to do what I Love and I love what I do.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Flying Season Starts Now In Lumby BC Canada

Hang Gliding is starting a bit early this year thanks to El Nino.
Many great events are planned for 2010.
Hang Gliding Instructor Certification Course June 4-7
Winch Tow Clinic June 8-9
Lumby Air Races June 11-13
Canadian National Hang Gliding Championships June 13-19
Fly In Music Festival July 23-25
More details at
Hang Gliding and Trike Flying Lessons at
Full Immersion Lessons Available
Learn to Fly Solo with Confidence in a week or less!