Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Test Flight on Jo Mckenna's new Freedom 190 Hang Glider

She showed up by truck from North Wing unscathed. Set up easy. I moved the kingpost to the forward position and she glided hands off.
Easy launcher. Freedoms are the easiest glider I have ever launched period!
Flys clean at trailing edge and tips at top speed 47 mph.
Very slow flyer with my weight at low end 20 mph. . I could not stall her only in a whip stall. and she broke clean.
She turns very flat. Light bar pressure in pitch. Felt pitch stable and a bit roll unstable which is normal for type.
Soared for close to an hour off Coopers up to 5k in blue thermals and light lift with red tail Hawks and Ravens : ) Weak day compared to yesterday.
Perfect for testing though.
Turns Easy Peasy
Nice slow approach
Perfect landing at target : )

She is a winner
You will love her Jo!


  1. The Freedom puts the FUN into hang gliding for pilots at any level. We just heard from Kamron Blevins at North Wing and its now official. Raven Aviation Ltd., , and North Wing Design, , have teamed up and donated a brand new Freedom 170 Hang Glider to the Lumby Air Force to be given away for first prize at the Canadian National Hang Gliding Championships in Lumby June 13-19 2010!!!! More info on the event at
